(1)获奖情况 1、2020年获研究生董事长奖学金拔尖奖 2、2018年获博士研究生国家奖学金 3、2017年获博士研究生国家奖学金 (2)教学/科研项目 1、新奥葡萄京高层次人才引进项目 (3)论文 1、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Yongfang Xie, Fanbiao Li, Mingxi Ai, Guoyong Zhang, Weihua Gui. Disturbance-encoding-based neural Hammerstein-Wiener model for industrial process predictive control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52:606-617. 2、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Yongfang Xie, Mingxi Ai, Weihua Gui. Generative Adversarial Network-based Image-Level Optimal Setpoint Calculation for Flotation Reagents Control[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022: 116790. 3、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Yongfang Xie, Mingxi Ai, Guoyong Zhang, Weihua Gui. Data-driven adaptive modeling method for industrial processes and its application in flotation reagent control [J]. ISA transactions. 2021, 108: 305-316. 4、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Yongfang Xie, Mingxi Ai, Weihua Gui. Visual perception based flotation fault diagnosis using statistical approaches [J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2021, 26(2), 172-184. 5、Mingxi Ai, Yongfang Xie, Zhaohui Tang,Jin Zhang, Weihua Gui. Deep learning feature-based setpoint generation and optimal control for flotation processes[J]. Information Sciences, 2021, 578(1):644-658. 6、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Yongfang Xie, Qing Chen, Mingxi Ai, Weihua Gui. Timed key-value memory network for flotation reagent control [J]. Control Engineering Practice, 2020, 98: 104360. 7、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Yongfang Xie, Mingxi Ai, Weihua Gui. Convolutional memory networks based flotation performance monitoring [J]. Minerals Engineering, 2020, 151: 106332. 8、Guoyong Zhang, Zhaohui Tang,Jin Zhang*, Weihua Gui. Convolutional autoencoder-based flaw detection for steel wire ropes [J]. Sensors, 2020, 20(22), 6612. 9、Mingxi Ai, Yongfang Xie, Zhaohui Tang,Jin Zhang, Weihua Gui. Two-stream deep feature-based froth flotation monitoring using visual attention clues[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70: 1-14. 10、Mingxi Ai, Yongfang Xie, Shiwen Xie,Jin Zhang, Weihua Gui. Fuzzy association rule-based set-point adaptive optimization and control for the flotation process[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32(17): 14019-14029. 11、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Mingxi Ai, Weihua Gui. Nonlinear modeling of the relationship between reagent dosage and flotation froth surface image by Hammerstein-Wiener model[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2018: 19-28. 12、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Mingxi Ai, Weihua Gui. Fuzzy association rule based froth surface behavior control in zinc froth flotation [J]. Symmetry, 2018, 10(6):216. 13、Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Weihua Gui, Qing Chen, Jinping Liu. Interactive image segmentation with a regression based ensemble learning paradigm [J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(7): 1002-1020. 14、Zhaohui Tang, Jin Zhang*, Weihua Gui. Selective search and intensity context based retina vessel image segmentation [J]. Journal of Medical Systems, 2017, 41(3):47. 15Jin Zhang, Zhaohui Tang, Jinping Liu, Zhen Tan, Pengfei Xu. Recognition of flotation working conditions through froth image statistical modeling for performance monitoring[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2016, 86:116-129. 16Jinping Liu*, Zhaohui Tang*,Jin Zhang*, Qing Chen, Pengfei Xu, Wenzhong Liu. Visual perception-based statistical modeling of complex grain image for product quality monitoring and supervision on assembly production line[J]. Plos One, 2016, 11(3):e0146484. (4)知识产权 1、唐朝晖;闫志浩;张进;贺卓,一种基于异构分类器选择性融合的锑矿品位软测量方法,2018年10月23日,专利号 ZL201610785671.8 (已授权) 2、唐朝晖;范影;张国勇;张进;张虎,一种基于时间序列特征的锌浮选过程模糊故障诊断方法,2020年8月25日,专利号 ZL201910449509.9 (已授权) (5)专著、教材 |