(1)教学/科研项目 1、云南省科技厅,基础研究专项-面上项目,202301AT070393,面向南亚东南亚语言的跨语言摘要生成方法研究,2023-06-01 至 2026-05-31,10万元, 在研,主持 2、国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目, 62266028, 面向东南亚低资源语言的社交媒体事件检测方法研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 33万元, 在研, 参与 3、 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目, 62266027, 面向东南亚的跨语言社交媒体传播内容生成方法研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 34万元, 在研, 参与 (2)论文 1、Tan, K., Huang, W., Liu, X., Hu, J., & Dong, S. (2022). A multi-modal fusion framework based on multi-task correlation learning for cancer prognosis prediction.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 126, 102260(中科院1区TOP). 2、Tan, K., Huang, W., Liu, X., Hu, J., & Dong, S. (2021). A hierarchical graph convolution network for representation learning of gene expression data.IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 1–1(中科院1区TOP). 3、Huang, W.,Tan, K., Hu, J., Zhang, Z., & Dong, S. (2022). A review of fusion methods for omics and imaging data.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,(中科院3区). 4、Liu, X., Tan, J., Fan, J.,Tan, K., Hu, J., & Dong, S. (2022). A Syntax-enhanced model based on category keywords for biomedical relation extraction.Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 132, 104135 (中科院3区). 5、Ye, J., Guo, J., Xiang, Y.,Tan, K., & Yu, Z. (2022, October). Noise-robust Cross-modal Interactive Learning with Text2Image Mask for Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation.COLING 2022(CCF B 类会议) 6、Liu, X.,Tan, K., & Dong, S. (2021). Multi-granularity sequential neural network for document-level biomedical relation extraction.Information Processing Management, 58(6), 102718(中科院1区TOP). 7、Tan, K., Huang, W., Hu, J., & Dong, S. (2020). A multi-omics supervised autoencoder for pan-cancer clinical outcome endpoints prediction.BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20(3), 129(中科院3区). 8、Tan, K., Hu, J., & Dong, S. (2018). Ditgossi: A two-stage invasive tumor growth optimization algorithm for the detection of snp-snp interactions.BIBM 2018.(CCF B 类会议). (3)知识产权 1、董守斌,黄薇娴,谭凯文,胡金龙,张子烨. 一种基于多组学和影像数据融合的癌症患者分类系统[P]. 广东省:CN114530222A,2022-05-24. 2、董守斌,谭凯文,胡金龙,黄薇娴. 一种基于多任务和多模态的癌症生存分析系统[P]. 广东省:CN112687327A,2021-04-20. 3、董守斌,谭凯文,胡金龙. 一种基于深度学习的多组学智能诊断系统[P]. 广东省:CN111028939A,2020-04-17. |